Part. III
Abused :: Sacared :: Damaged Good
"Love does not harm and happiness doesn't hurt" - Aristo Dos Santos
Love he who desires
Tell the truth when questioned is your love
Boast of the one you love in circles of jealous liars.
Hate he who loves them, they love
Anger when pushed to states of evanescent insanity
One must Love before granted to hate, its reality.
Transgression of affection
Lack of paying careful attention.
When in harmony,
I hold her against my heart
Love journeys from me to her as I clasp her dear.
I grasp her soul by her neck
Growing closer to my full being, near
I teach her a lesson with every shed tear.
For her,
Comfort is only understood when out of
So I show her my worst
Hiding no secrets from, loyal I lambaste her first
Reassuring her of all she has in me, my soul thirsts.
Only she understands my love
Rough around the edges, kind with a blunt blind
To us being happy we have sworn
But when she gets out of line, her promise torn.
She understands my reasons of why
Feel free in asking her,
Only I can shelter her from life’s cry.
Leave us alone, we’re just fine.
Aristo Dos Santos
CuPid Poetry
“For Those You Love and Adore”
Having four little sister, it hurts my heart to hear of any woman that is put in an unsafe position. The sad part is that some of them choose to stay while others are just so broken that they cant even find the will to exit. You don't have to stay, there are organizations out there willing to help.
"Love does not harm and happiness doesn't hurt. He who loves should never harm you, and he should never make you hurt away from happy"
- Aristo Dos Santos :: CuPid Poetry
If you are in need, please use this info below.
International Directory of Domestic Violence Agencies
Statistics of Battered Women
Every 9 seconds a woman is physically abused by her husband.
95% of assaults on spouses or ex-spouses are committed by men against women.
30% of women presenting with injuries to the emergency department had injuries caused by battering.
From 7% to 26% of pregnant women are abused.
42% of murdered women are killed by their intimate partners.
Within the last year, 7% of American women (3.9 million) who are married or living with someone as a couple were physically abused, and 37% (20.7 million) were verbally or emotionally abused by their spouse or partner. (The Commonwealth Fund, N.Y. 1991)
Every 9 seconds a woman is physically abused by her husband. (The Commonwealth Fund, N.Y. 1991)
The U.S. Department of Justice estimates that 95% of assaults on spouses or ex-spouses are committed by men against women. (Assessing Violent Couples, H. Douglas, Families in Society, 11/91)
Domestic violence is a repetitive in nature: about 1 in 5 women victimized by their spouse or ex-spouse reported that they had been a victim of a series of at least 3 assaults in the last 6 months. (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 10/93)
30% of Women presenting with injuries to the emergency department were identified as having injuries caused by battering. (American Journal of Public Health, 1/89)
Pregnancy is a risk factor. Several studies indicate a range of incidence from 17% to 26% of pregnant women. (Public Health Nursing, 9/87)
42% of murdered women are killed by their intimate partners. (FBI's 88-91 Uniform Crime Reports)
If you would like more information about A Safe Place and the programs we provide, please call us at
847-731-7165 or email us at